Sunday, March 27, 2011

"could you be the devil, could you be an angel?" Pt1

Where is God in our world these days? I am so saddened by the hurting of our world and people even when they don't see themselves that they are hurting and sad. I am reminded of the movie my wife loves, Wall-e. At one point in that movie the people wake from a completely automated spaceship to realize that what they thought was great and fun was really killing them and making them weak. I feel as though I see the world through an almost out of body view a lot of times. I see the small picture of what people say and why they say them about things but then turn and see the big picture and am saddened. You hear "gd" a lot in our time and to think that is spitting on the face of the one who sent His only Son to die for us...simply overwhelming!

My title may seem kinda weird but it is actually one of the main points I am bringing up in this post. I heard that line in the new Katy perry song and it stood out to me. Notice how in our culture it is demons, angels, devil(s), aliens, and gods or other mythical things. Well at least people are talking about heaven and hell right? No not really. What is heaven and hell with out God? Think about it for a moment. Take God out of the equation for a second and see what happens. What makes hell so bad or heaven so good? God. God's wrath, punishment, disappointment, and sadness is what makes hell so bad while on the other side of the same coin God's love, mercy, grace, faithfulness, and forgiveness is what makes heaven so great! So take God out of this thought process and you get a hell that isn't that bad and a heaven that isn't worth living for. Just take a moment and stop reading and think about that for a second and the weight that thought has...

Satan is trying to push God out of our thoughts, minds, and life. See he is pushing the focus to all these other things that don't carry the weight and power of our Lord because when he does the bad isn't so bad and the good isn't good so why not do and think what we want? Let's pretend for just a moment that I am atheist. How would that change my views and actions? Well I could do or say whatever I wanted without any fear of repercussion except by my fellow humans which wouldn't be that big of a deal if I didn't feel there was something after anyway and if I really didn't like what they thought then I could just knock them off or beat them, whatever I felt like doing really. That is horrible or wrong? Why? There is no God in that thought. If we evolved from apes or whatever and everything was created from nothing and not by an all powerful God then who is to tell me right from wrong? where would it come from? You? I don't think so! Who would you be to tell me how to act or what to do? There would be no code of conduct. Not always so bad? Ok let's take a look beyond cussing, stealing, lying, and sex. If there was no God and no good and evil/right and wrong what else could we do? Rape, murder, molestation, bestiality, incest, child abuse, slavery, holocaust, torture, racism...these words would mean nothing...think about that...


  1. Reminds me a little of an article I wrote in college, where I stated that if there is no God, then it is no more wrong for a person to murder someone than it is for a lion to eat a zebra. With no God... who's to tell me their morality is any better than mine!

  2. Love this! I am so very proud of you, sweetheart! :)
