Friday, April 22, 2011

Pt2. Peace

This is the second half of my previous post. If we take Jesus and what He stands for out of the picture. Our culture over all is always so stressed about what is coming next; if they will have work tomorrow, gas, heat, loved ones, car, money, someone to talk to etc. When you have Christ you don't have to worry about any of that because God says he will take care of His children. When you accept Christ you become one of His children. Does that mean you will never be stressed or bad things will never happen to you? No not by any means! I have had plenty of bad things happen in my life but the amazing thing is that when I get stressed or overwhelmed all I have to do is remember this world and everything going on is just temporary and that all my needs will be provided for her and for eternity. Take away God and Jesus Christ then you have everything to fear because you have only yourself to count on because in the end no other human being will go without letting you down at some point. That is such a depressing thought. Why do we have a world that is so sad and depressed? They are lacking the comforter.

1 comment:

  1. One more matter where you have been or what you have done... Jesus loves YOU!
